Acupuncture for Allergies
Seasonal allergies are a real problem in Louisville, and there is a growing demand for evidence-based methods that manage and prevent allergy suffering. Chinese medicine focuses on the underlying root of allergy symptoms, clearing barriers and harnessing the body's innate ability to provide regulated immunity.
Stuart's Story
I had suffered with severe seasonal allergies for years. In more mild years, a strict five-drug daily routine kept it mostly manageable, but the ragweed of autumn 2022 rendered those drugs useless. Sinus pressure, intense congestion, lethargy, and coughing fits made me miserable.
I visited Turtle Tree in desperation. They had helped with pain and back issues in the past, but this felt different; out of reach. I was wrong.
Jonathan gave me a very relaxing acupuncture treatment (face up as I could barely breathe), and then an herb mixture with instructions to drink it like tea, three times per day for five days.
I returned five days later, and it still feels like a miracle. I was back up to 85% even as my fellow allergy sufferers were getting worse. He gave me another relaxing treatment (I could lay face down this time because I could breathe!). He sent me home with a new herb mixture which I was to maintain for the rest of the autumn. Within just a couple more days (a week total), my allergy symptoms were gone — GONE — and they have not returned. No pressure, no congestion or coughing, plenty of energy.
Thinking about it right now, it still feels too good to be true. But I do feel like I got a miracle — all natural and at a fraction of the cost of modern, western treatment, I seem to be effectively allergy-free.
Turtle Tree changed my life, and I want everyone to know it. I'm forever grateful.
What treatment looks like
We'll recommend frequent acupuncture visits at first then taper down as you make progress. In the long run, many of our patients visit only once a month or once a season for a tune up.
We use a combination of acupuncture and herbal medicine for a deep and lasting transformation.
We teach you evidence-based self-care techniques to support and regulate the immune system.
If you have a flare-up, we want to see you in the office ASAP so you get through it more quickly and completely.