Bite-Size Chinese Medicine
Quick notes mostly about fitting old-world wisdom into a modern American life.
About This Blog
In 2010, Joe Henrich and Steve Heine, two cross-cultural psychologists from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, published a study titled "The WEIRDest People in the World?". In it, they showed that Americans and Europeans were outliers. These WEIRD (Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic) people just saw things differently than everyone else in the world.
The problem was, the majority of research in human psychology up to that point had focused on these weirdos - so the information guiding human development and well-being overlooked the behavior and perceptions of most of the cultures on the planet. Joe and Steve thought that needed to change.
I do too. Americans are not a particularly healthy bunch. If we want to change that, we need to start looking outside our WEIRD box for guidance.
​I am a former Adjunct Professor of Chinese Medicine, and I have been an acupuncturist and Chinese Medicine physician with my partner for over a decade.
This blog is about an approach to life, health, and happiness that started over 2000 years ago in a culture on the opposite side of the globe. It doesn't have the answer to everything, but it's a nice established departure from the status quo if you're looking for someplace to start broadening your horizons.
It's written Mon-Fri in bite-size notes, so hopefully it can be easily incorporated into a WEIRD life.