When we get stuck in one emotion, that’s when we have problems.
When Hillary and I were waiting for our first child to be born, and it was one, two, three… six days past the due date, we were afraid (unreasonably, but that’s another post).
We were afraid of losing our right to use a midwife and birth center. We were afraid of the medical interventions that a trigger-happy Biomedical profession would try to impose on Hillary.
We were stuck in fear, and nothing was moving.
When our doula arrived at our house on due date + 6, she saw Hillary and immediately got a concerned look on her face. “Oh, she’s not as low as she was before,” she said, referring to the baby bump. It lacked empathy, and it could have made our fear worse. Instead, something neat happened.
We got angry!
Our emotion changed.
Hillary went into labor later that night.