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Bite-Size Chinese Medicine

Quick notes mostly about fitting old-world wisdom into a modern American life.

Jonathan Day

Fast and loose with cold

Industrialized humans tend to play it fast and loose with cold weather. Going outside without suitable coverings. Shorts in winter!

Our ancient predecessors would never have dreamed of doing such a thing. It might have cost them their lives. "You'll catch your death!" was not hyperbole.

We're so casual with cold because we have powerful heating systems to come home to. But I wonder if we're as safe as we think we are.

Your body's Qi has many jobs, all of them critical.

One of them is to keep your organs and tissues warm.

When a part of your body is directly exposed to cold, Qi rushes to that location to warm and protect it.

And for those moments, it's not other places doing its other jobs.

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