Excessive worry and rumination harm the Stomach. So finding methods that mitigate worry is as important a consideration for digestive healing and overall health as making appropriate food choices (arguably, it's more important).
Here's one of my favorites, because it anchors on relief (worries that are no longer worries):
Questions Answered, Questions Open:
All worries can be presented as "How..." questions. How will I make enough money to make it through the year? How will I find a job? How will we find peace in our relationship?
Take a piece of paper and draw a horizontal line across the middle. Above the line, write some past worries that have already resolved in the form of "How..." questions. Below the line, write your current worries in the same way. Make sure to use the format, "How will ___________ happen?" not "Will ___________ happen?"
Here's one I just did:
A clear and open mind, one that trusts that difficult circumstances will pass (or change) and maybe even enjoys watching how it will happen - these are excellent conditions for digestive function.