The dynamics of the four seasons of the year are inherent in every living cycle, including the life cycle of a human.
Infancy and childhood are the spring, the time of germination. Growth should be constant, but not without restraint. Like a plant, when we grow up too quickly, we fail to amass the strength and adaptability necessary for the longterm.
Early adulthood is the summer, the time of expression. Passion is at full burn, and its vehicle, the physical body, is at peak strength and resilience. Explore now. Create now. Connect now. Give fire an outlet or it will turn into restlessness and rage.
Middle age is the autumn, the time of gathering. The events of summer have given us the experience to begin to differentiate what is actually important from what is not. Autumn is when we stock up on the former and construct functional barricades against the latter.
We do this in preparation of old age, winter, the time of conservation. Resources are increasingly scarce, but if we've prepared properly, we have a unique opportunity to linger at length in the Natural, Great Ease - expertly spending our physical and emotional energy only where it suits us and our contribution.
A question one might ask oneself in summer: Am I passing up opportunities for joy, creativity, and connection because I think summer will last forever?
Questions one might ask oneself in autumn: For each activity or influence that draws my energy, Who is it for and What is it for? Does my engagement with it contribute to my health and happiness and/or the change that I want to see in the world? Or are there other activities or influences that might be more effective replacements, even if the status quo would rather I didn't switch over?
A question one might ask oneself in winter: Does what I'm doing feel like ease or something else?