Our current medical system:
Focus is narrow, on one thing at a time, ignoring the big picture. This is called individualistic.
The body is treated like a machine. Broken parts may be replaced over time, and some emphasis may be given to regular care and maintenance by the owner.
The medicine of the future:
Focus is broad. Consideration will be given to all possible determinants of health. This is called holistic.
Healthcare will be like conducting a many-player orchestra. The sections of the orchestra will include...
Air and water quality, sound and silence, light and dark, scents, colors, temperature, weather, climate, safety
Social support structures, relationships, family, work-groups, community, access to vital resources and services, resource and burden sharing
Food choice, food quality, food network integrity, medicines
Physical Body
Prevention of injury and infection, movement and exercise, rest and sleep
Emotional Body
The stress response, trauma, habits and unconscious biases, mindfulness
In this medical system, Health = harmony; every player playing the same tune. Disease = discord.